Volume Promotions (CSV)

Offering a promotion (or discount) based on minimum order quantities bought. Promotion most commonly used to create volume scales.


Each type (DIRECT, VOLUME, COMBO, COMPLEX) of promotion has a set of attributes that can be combined in their mechanics, with combinations divided into 2 groups: the first group for activation rules and the second group for applied benefits.

Available atributes at this type of promotion: item, minimum, percentage, cash.

CustomerBuys - Activation rule for the promotion

Combinations allowedDescriptionNotesMandatoryType
items + minimumCombining items + minimum means that when the minimum quantity of a specific product in the cart is reached, the promotion will be activated.customerBuys_items: Should be filled with the SKU in question, limited to 1 SKU. It can also be filled with * to indicate that the promotion should be applied across the entire catalog.

Allows more than 1 SKU? Yes!

customerBuys_minimum: Integer field, must be filled with the minimum quantity to active the promotion.
YesItems: String
minimum: Integer

CustomerGets - Benefits of the promotion

items + percentageCombining items and percentage means that the promotion will apply the value set in percentage as a discount on the product.customerGets_items: Should be filled with the SKU in question, limited to 1 SKU.

Allows more than 1 SKU? Yes!

customerGets_percentage: Decimal field, must be filled in as 0.10 for 10%
YesItems: String List
percentage: Decimal
items + cashCombining items + cash means that a nominal discount will be applied to the configured product.customerGets_items: Should be filled with the SKU in question, limited to 1 SKU.

Allows more than 1 SKU? Yes!

customerGets_cash: Decimal field, must be filled in with the amount to be applied as cash back.
YesItems: String List
cash: Decimal

Is Volume promo cumulative?

Yes, in the case of a Volume-type promotion, upon reaching the minimum required to activate the promotion, all products in customerGets_items will receive the percentage/cash discount. For example: Buy at least 3 and get 15% off. In this case, there is no per-order limitation, meaning if the buyer adds 10 items, all 10 will receive 15% off.

Volume Promotion is not cumulative with other promotions, meaning it cannot be combined with the benefits of another promotion.


  1. Buy at least 10 boxes of candy (minimum quantity) and receive 15% off.
  2. Buy at least 5 from the list ( SKU1, SKU2,SKU3 ) and receive 10% off.

Setting up example 1:

customerBuys_items: SKU_Candy
customerBuys_minimum: 10

customerGets_items: SKU_Candy
customerGets_percentage: 0.15

Setting up example 2:

customerBuys_items: SKU1, SKU2,SKU3
customerBuys_minimum: 5

customerGets_items: SKU1, SKU2,SKU3
customerGets_percentage: 0.10


In example 2, by purchasing a quantity of 5 of any item from the SKU list, the buyer will receive a 10% discount.

Real Scenarios

Scenario 1: Get discount by buying a minimum qty

  • customerBuys: Buy minimum 10 Fizz Orange Soda Pack
  • cutomerGets: 15% off each Fizz Orange Soda Pack bought
  • Example in CSV, line 5

Scenario 2: Get discount buying a minimum qty of a set of products (volume multisku)

  • customerBuys: minimum 10 products of either Coffee Mate Stick Clasico or Jugo Sazonador 125g
  • cutomerGets: 15% off on any of both products added to the car
    • You can add 10 of Coffee Mate Stick Clasico and get the discount
    • or you can add 10 of Sazonador 125g and get the discount
    • or you can add 7 of Coffee Mate Stick Clasico and 3 of Sazonador 125g and get the discount
  • Example in CSV, line 6

Scenario 3: Get discount of a given product buying a minimum qty of a set of products (volume multisku)

  • customerBuys: minimum 10 Chocolates Reales 100g or Crema 225g Lechera 209g
  • customerGets: 20% on Chocolates Reales 100g
  • Example in CSV, line 7