LUA Examples
User Input Examples in LUA
Input contains keywords
Input.match('contains', 'keyword1|keyword2', Context.get('currentMessage'), {})
Input is exactly
Input.match('isEqualTo', 'value', Context.get('currentMessage'), {})
Input matches a regex
Input.match('regex', 'regex expression here', Context.get('currentMessage'), {})
Input matches intent
-- Params Domain:string, Message:string
-- Returns Intent Object
-- Ex.
-- intent.categories (contains all the available categories for the domain)
-- intent.confidence.greeting (contains the confidence value, Ex. .91)
intent = Input.intent('generic-es', Context.get('currentMessage'))
-- Branch to a Step Id 1 if Greeting
if intent.confidence.greeting > .90 then
-- Branch to a Step Id 2 if Insult
if intent.confidence.insulting > .90 then
Updated about 2 years ago