Questions & Edge Cases

Why my Event or Funnel are not appearing on the dashboard?

Make sure you waited for the expected delay (24 hours or less). So, for example, if you create the event now in Flow Builder, you can expect to see the event on "events list" on the dashboard 24 hours later by now. The same about the user data, so if you create and people interact now the delay is the same. But if you create now, and people start interact tomorrow afternoon you can expect to see first the event in the dashboard's list and then wait for the user data.

Why I cant see Events and Funnels Dashboard on Analytics menu?

Please, contact your Account Manager to ensure that these dashboards are activated for you. If you need any extra help, you can send an email to [email protected].

Why do we have funnels and events? Can’t I just tag every step with an event?

Yes, you could - however each tool is meant to achieve different things.

  • Funnels was created to help FB users understand how end users behave across the flow, understand how they move from state to state, and have clarity around what states or flows need improvement/optimization/ab testing to increase conversion rate. This is why the Funnels dashboard automatically creates the analytics required for optimization.
  • Events was created to send a signal whenever an something important is done by an end user and add important information about the user to that signal. This is why the Events Dashboard focuses more on the amount of times something has happened and the information contained within each event.

Additionally, if we tagged every step with an event, then our segmentation tool would be completely overwhelmed with useless data - since high value events would be mixed with normal, non-high value steps.

Should I tag the start step of a funnel with an event?

It depends, but most of the time: yes.


  • The final step of an event should always be tagged. This is the conversion step and it’s the most important.
  • The middle steps should NOT be tagged. They pollute our Segmentation tool with useless information. Instead they should be used to create a funnel - which generates data that helps FB users optimize the flow.
  • The initial step of a funnel SHOULD be tagged with an event because it will allow us to create re-targeting audiences later on.

(Watch loom for full explanation).

Should I tag anything besides conversion and start steps with events?


As we saw in one of the previous slides Event tracking should be used to track 1) Conversion Steps (like Jobs Done), 2) Start steps (to create retargeting audiences), and 3) Any other high value event that we might want to keep an eye out.

This could include opt ins, failure states, steps triggered by global actions, etc.

An example in our fake onboarding flow could be Try Again step.

How should I name my funnels, events, and variables?


  • Use clear, descriptive names that indicate the purpose or meaning of the piece of information being saved.
  • Avoid using single letters or abbreviations.
  • Use camelCase or snake_case, but make sure format is consistent across the flow.

Ie. userAge, userName, userOptIn, favoriteProduct, etc.


  • Use descriptive names that indicate the purpose of the funnel or the steps within it.
  • Use a consistent format for naming funnels, such as “[Action][Outcome]” or “[Descriptive Phrase] Funnel”.
  • Avoid using technical terms that not everyone might understand.

Ie. Purchase Conversion, User Onboarding Funnel, etc.


  • Use clear, descriptive names that indicate the action or behavior being tracked.
  • Use a consistent format for naming events, such as “[Action][Object]” or “[Descriptive Phrase] Event”.
  • Consider using a naming hierarchy to group related events together especially when events belong to a particular funnel.

Ie. User Onboarding Funnel Started, User Onboarding Funnel Completed, Opt In Completed, Human Escalation Initiated, etc.