Human Agents Dashboard

Provides Analytics that describe conversations handled by agents using integrated helpdesk

Welcome to the Quick Start Guide of the Human Agents Dashboard!


Human Agents Dashboard
click to enlarge

The Human Agents Dashboard aims to give insights into how helpdesk agents interact with users. This will provide you with insights about the top-performing agents attending to customers, rush hours, rush topics, and more.

Answers questions regarding the efficiency of conversations with agents in your channel.

This Quick Start guide will show you how to learn, explore, and act about your channel's Human Agents Dashboard. You'll see the play-by-plays you need to get the Dashboards basics under your belt, making you a seasoned expert in no time.


Obtain information about your conversations with agents and the total response time, among other topics, on your channel.


Filter by date, aggregation time, team, and agents' names, based on your needs.


Analyze the information, decide how your agents behave and focus them on the right path.

Before You Start


Before you start this tutorial, make sure that:

  • You have a Yalo Studio account.
  • Time has passed since your Flow is active and data is available to analyze.


Build confidence by trying things on your own!

Go to the Analytics section (left on the main navigation panel), then click Human Agents , and then play around the dashboard!

Overview Tab

The page is made of two tabs:

  • Overview
  • Efficiency Metrics

Let's start with the Overview tab; the page contains three main rows.

First Data Boxes

The first three Data Boxes are these:


Human Agents Dashboard - 1st set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge


Dashboard filters

Analysis Interval: Change the date ranges to see the information. By default, it is the last thirty days.

Time Aggregation: This allows you to select a periodicity for the dashboard's daily, weekly, and monthly data.

Team: This filter selects a team for the analysis, in case you have more than one.

Agent: This filter selects a specific agent's name for the analysis.

Agent's Email: This filter selects a specific agent's email.

Once you change a filter, click the reload button on the right side.

The next two Data Boxes


Human Agents Dashboard - 2nd set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge


Yalo Tip

To download the data for more profound research, see the section Export Data at the bottom of this guide.


The page contains several graphics; the first two are:


Human Agents Dashboard - 1st Two Graphics
click the image to enlarge


Yalo Tip

Click on the elements (Assignments, Growth) at the bottom of the first graphic to toggle them for a different perspective.

The following graphics are:


Human Agents Dashboard - Last Graphics in Overview tab
click the image to enlarge


Yalo Tip

Hover over the bars to see the detailed information in each graphic (amount of assignments).

Efficiency Metrics Tab

The Efficiency Metrics dashboard aims to give insights into the number of registered conversations in the helpdesk. This dashboard helps get insights into the agent's performance, conversation status, and conversation duration times.

The page contains three main rows.

First two Data Boxes


Human Agents Dashboard - 1st set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge

The next couple of Data Boxes


Human Agents Dashboard - 2nd set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge

3rd set of Data Boxes


Human Agents Dashboard - 3rd set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge

4rd set of Data Boxes


Human Agents Dashboard - 4rd set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge

Efficiency Metrics Graphics

Next are three graphics showing information:


Human Agents Dashboard - Graphics
click the image to enlarge


Yalo Tip

Hover over the bars to see detailed information (amount of conversations).

More Graphics

Next is a table with detailed information about the top performing agents and the overall waiting and attention times.


Human Agents Dashboard - Details Table & Graphics
click the image to enlarge

Drill downs

You can drill down the Data Boxes to see a detail of each Box. All the six Data Boxes have drill down; consider that you will visualize only those records filtered according to the Data Box.

  1. Click on the quantity of the Data Box to see the details of it

A pop-up table appears, showing the details:


Human Agents Dashboard - Drill down table of a Data Box
click the image to enlarge

The warning Row limit reached indicates that the table will show only up to 500 records; however, you can use the Export Data function to download the data in a convenient format.

Take a look at the following section.

Export Data

You can download data from each Data Box and its drill-down details within the Human Agents Dashboard, in several formats, such as CSV, Excel, JSON, HTML, and Markdown, among others.

To export the data:

  1. Click on the three-dot menu at the top right of the Data Box/Graphic.
  2. Then click on the Download data button.

Three-dot menu and Download data pop-up selected in a Dashboard graphic
click the image to enlarge

  1. In the pop-up, choose the type of format you want.
  2. Click on Advanced data options

Exporting Data pop-up with "All results" option selected
click the image to enlarge


We recommend leaving the rest of the checks marked as they are, only changing the field: Number of rows with the value: All Results, so that the export of data gets correctly generated.

  1. Click Download
  2. Save the file for further analysis.


If "All Results" is not available

Downloading an unlimited number of results is restricted for queries with table calculations.

To download more than "Results in Table", select "Custom" and enter a limit of up to 100,000 rows.