Types of Messages
You can insert four types of messages in Flow Builder:
- Text message
- Media message
- Buttons
- Lists
Text is the most common type of message step. You Insert any text, and optionally use bold, italics, strikethrough, or emojis đ.
If you have variables saved in context, you can insert them using handlebars:
Type text and add {{variableName}} wherever you want.
Flow builder allows you to insert media by inserting the content URL. You can insert the following supported type of media content:
You can print media messages in two ways:
Print your media using the option "media"
Just click on this button, put your media url, add a caption if you want and save your step.
Print your media using a Lua code in a step following these standard libraries below:
Example of Audio, Document, Image or Video:
-- Template.media(mediaType, url, caption)
-- mediaType can be audio, document, image, or video
-- example:
Template.media("image", "https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/newscms/2018_20/1339472/puppy-cute-today-180515-tease.jpg", "perrito lindo")
Example of Stickers:
-- Template.sticker(url)
-- @parameter url: a [webp](https://developers.google.com/speed/webp) image (ensure it's a sticker!),
-- if the sticker is not in webp format it wont be processed
You can insert reply buttons with up to 3 options âeach option is a button. This type of massage offers a quicker way for users to make a selection from a menu when interacting with a business. Reply buttons have the same user experience as interactive templates with buttons.
The menu allows you to enter a header, message, and footer to reference the buttons. You can add up to three buttons for the user to reply with.
You can insert a list of clickable items. Lists allow you to insert a menu of up to 10 options. This type of massage offers a more straightforward and consistent way for users to make a selection when interacting with a business.
The menu allows you to enter a header, message, and footer to reference the options in the list. You can add up to ten options for the user to select
Updated over 1 year ago