Campaigns Success Dashboard

Track how a campaign develops after being sent

Welcome to the Quick Start Guide of the Campaigns Success Dashboard!

Yalo Studio - Campaigns Success Dashboard  
click the image to enlarge

Yalo Studio - Campaigns Success Dashboard
click the image to enlarge

The Campaigns Success Dashboard provides you with meaningful analytics that help measure the result of a campaign sent via Engagement.

A campaign is a planned sequence of activities that send information about a product or service through your channel.

In this Quick Start Guide, we'll show you how to learn, explore, and act about the Campaigns Success Dashboard of your channel. You'll see the play-by-plays you need to get the Dashboard basics under your belt, making you an expert in no time.


Obtain information about the number of notifications your end-users received in your channel, among other valuable data.


Filter by date, questions, or name of campaign, and any team that sends campaigns, based on your needs.


Analyze the information, define your campaigns on what your customers are replying to, so you can focus those campaigns on the right path.

Before You Start


Before you start this tutorial, make sure that:

  • You have a Yalo Studio account.
  • Time has passed since your Flow is active; several campaigns were sent, so data is available to analyze.


Build confidence by trying things on your own!

Go to the Analytics section (left on the main navigation panel), then click Campaign Success , and then play around the dashboard!

Overview Tab

The page is made of three tabs:

  • Overview
  • Behavior
  • Commerce

Let's start with the Overview tab; the page contains four main rows.

The first three Data Boxes are these:

Campaigns Success Dashboard main section, 1st set of Data Boxes highlighted  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard main section, 1st set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge


Dashboard filters

Analysis Interval: Change the date ranges to see the information.

Also, you can change the Campaign Name and Team, in case there is more than one.

Campaign Name: The interface where users can interact with Flows through written texts, quick replies, and webviews. In Yalo, we release Flows in two channels: Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

Team: The identifier of the Team configured in Yalo Studio.

Tags: The identifier of the campaign configured in Yalo Studio.

Team: The identifier of the Flow configured in Yalo Studio.

Responses: Change the way of top responses as a raw response or intelligent responses clustering.

Once you change a filter, click the reload button on the right side.


Yalo Tip

Download the data for deeper research, see the section Export Data at the bottom of this guide.

The next three Data Boxes

Campaigns Success Dashboard main section, 2nd set of Data Boxes highlighted  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard main section, 2nd set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Graphs

These visualizations help to understand the behavior of the campaigns, whether by the number of users reached over time, the behavior within the funnel, or the different first responses.

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Campaigns  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Campaigns
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Campaigns  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Status Funnel
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Top Responses  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Top Responses
click the image to enlarge


Yalo Tip

Double click on a field in the table to see its complete content of it.

Campaign Details

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Campaigns  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Campaigns
click the image to enlarge

Behavior Tab

Let's continue with the Behavior tab, designed to display users' behavior in responding to notifications.

The first three Data Boxes are these:

Campaigns Success Dashboard main section, 1st set of Data Boxes highlighted  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Behavior Tab, 1st set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge


Dashboard filters

Analysis Interval: Change the date ranges to see the information.

Also, you can change the Campaign Name and Team, in case there is more than one.

Campaign Name: The interface where users can interact with Flows through written texts, quick replies, and webviews. In Yalo, we release Flows in two channels: Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

Team: The identifier of the Team configured in Yalo Studio.

Tags: The identifier of the campaign configured in Yalo Studio.

Team: The identifier of the Flow configured in Yalo Studio.

Selected Metric: You can select the metric total of responses or the total of more than one message (The notifications having more than one first response with the same previous 24-hour interval)

Once you change a filter, click the reload button on the right side.

The next three Data Boxes

Campaigns Success Dashboard Behavior Tab, 2nd set of Data Boxes highlighted  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard Behavior Tab, 2nd set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge

Behavior Graphics

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Behavior Tab - 1st Three Graphs  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Behavior Tab - 1st Three Graphs
click the image to enlarge

Behavior Graphs About Time

The page contains two main rows; the last graphics are these:

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Behavior Tab - Last Graphs  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Behavior Tab - Last Graphs
click the image to enlarge


Yalo Tip

Hover over the blue bars to see detailed information.

Commerce Tab

Last but not least, is the Commerce tab, to analyze campaign analytics to the flows with commerce integration.

The first three Data Boxes are these:

Campaigns Success Commerce Tab, 1st set of Data Boxes highlighted  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Commerce Tab, 1st set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge


Dashboard filters

Analysis Interval: Change the date ranges to see the information.

Also, you can change the Campaign Name and Team, in case there is more than one.

Campaign Name: The interface where users can interact with Flows through written texts, quick replies, and webviews. In Yalo, we release Flows in two channels: Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

Team: The identifier of the Team configured in Yalo Studio.

Tags: The identifier of the campaign configured in Yalo Studio.

Metric: You can select the category of the user in which data will be displayed. You can select the measure which will be analyzed and displayed. Can be Unit or Revenue.

Product: The SKU name or SKU code if the name is not available and filter the different visualization with the information belonging to the product selected.

Attribute Group: You can select the group of attributes corresponding to the store, such as, country, address, vendor, delivery date, among others.

Attribute : You can select the value attribute corresponding to the store, for example: Country - MEX.

Once you change a filter, click the reload button on the right side.

The next three Data Boxes

Campaigns Success Dashboard Commerce Tab, 2nd set of Data Boxes highlighted  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard Commerce Tab, 2nd set of Data Boxes highlighted
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Conversion

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Commerce Tab - Conversion Over Time  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Commerce Tab - Conversion Over Time
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Commerce Tab - Funnel  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Commerce Tab - Funnel
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Commerce Tab - Orders Over Time  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Commerce Tab - Orders Over Time
click the image to enlarge

Top Sold From Campaigns

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Commerce Tab - Orders Over Time  
click the image to enlarge

Campaigns Success Dashboard - Commerce Tab - Orders Over Time
click the image to enlarge

These are the categories in User Journey:

RespondedNotifications with a response from the user.
More than One MessageAn interaction is when the user sends two or more different messages after receiving the notification to the Flow.
Orders from CampaignsUsers place an order after the store registered with the same or another user received a campaign within 24 hours.

Export Data

You can download data from each Data Box within the Campaigns Success Dashboard, in several formats, such as CSV, Excel, JSON, HTML, and Markdown, among others.

To export the data:

  1. Click on the three-dot menu at the top right of the Data Box/Graphic.
  2. Then click on the Download data button.

Three-dot menu and Download data pop-up selected in a Dashboard Graphic
click the image to enlarge

  1. In the pop-up, choose the type of format you want.
  2. Click on Advanced data options

Exporting Data pop-up with "All results" option selected
click the image to enlarge


We recommend leaving the rest of the checks marked as they are, only changing the field: Number of rows with the value: All Results, so that the export of data gets correctly generated.

  1. Click Download
  2. Save the file for further analysis.


If "All Results" is not available

Downloading an unlimited number of results is restricted for queries with table calculations.

To download more than "Results in Table", select "Custom" and enter a limit of up to 100,000 rows.