The present document describes the available queries in Yalo’s DATA API.


Early Adopter Program

The participant in the early adopter program may use the listed queries; however, some queries will only be available to a certain group of users. For example, Commerce queries will only be available to customers using Yalo’s conversational commerce engine.

Query Request Limit

Synchronous DATA API

  • Support up to 100,000 records per query response
  • The rate limit is 5 calls per minute.
  • Date range limit to 30 days
  • Date range limit to 90 days back over current date

How to get analytics data?

  1. Create or search for a valid API key {token} check readme doc Overview
  2. Consume the querying endpoint with a specific query {{queryName}}
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ 
	"queryName": "{{queryName}}", 
  "limit": "{{totalRecordsToReturn}}", 
  "timeZone": "{{timeZone}}", 
  "startDate": "{{dateRangeInit}}", 
  "endDate": "{{dateRangeEEnd}}", 		
  "customFilters": { 				
  		"flow": "{{flowId}}", 				
      "userId": "{{userId}}", 				
      "storeId": "{{storeId}}", 				
      "storefront": "{{storefrontName}}", 				
      "notificationTemplate": "{{notificationTemplate}}", 				
      "lastStatus": "{{lastStatus}}", 				
      "campaignName": "{{campaignName}}" 		
  "data": [{}, {}, ... , {}], 
	"message": "XXXXXXXXXX", 
	"status": 200 

List of available queries

Data DomainQuery Name
Commerce Legacycommerce_legacy_active_stores
Commerce Legacycommerce_legacy_summary_by_day
Commerce Legacycommerce_legacy_summary_by_order

Bulk Copy feature

The Bulk copy feature is used for larger queries that can only be obtained asynchronously..

This Bulk Copy feature supports the same queries as listed above.



The first row of the batch file needs to be discarded. Please refer to the query output metrics (check next sections) for the corresponding headers.

Query Request Limit

Asynchronous Bulk Copy feature

  • Supports up to 3 million records per query batch file
  • The rate limit is 5 calls per minute
  • The output is a zipped file
  • Date range limit to 30 days
  • Date range limit to 90 days back over current date

How to get analytics data?

  1. Create or search for a valid API key {token} check readme doc Overview
  2. Consume the querying endpoint with a specific query {{queryName}} please pay attention to the query parameter bulkCopy=true
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ 
		"queryName": "{{queryName}}", 
     "timeZone": "{{timeZone}}" , 
     "startDate": "{{dateRangeInit}}", 
     "endDate": "{{dateRangeEEnd}}",
     "customFilters": { 				
       				"flow": "{{flowId}}", 				
              "userId": "{{userId}}", 				
              "storeId": "{{storeId}}", 				
              "storefront": "{{storefrontName}}", 				
              "notificationTemplate": "{{notificationTemplate}}", 				
              "lastStatus": "{{lastStatus}}", 				
              "campaignName": "{{campaignName}}" 		
  "data": {
		"fileName": "data_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_#############.csv.gz",
		"jobCreatedAt": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ"
  "message": "XXXXXXXXXX", 
  "status": 200 
  1. Check the bulk copy job status using {jobId}
curl --location --request GET '{jobId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

  "data": [{
    "Status": "XXXXXX",
    "StartTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
    "EndTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
    "FileName": "data_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_#############.csv.gz",
    "HasError": false | true,
    "ErrorMessage": null | "XXXXXXXXX",
    "TotalBytesProcessed": ##########,
    "TotalBytesCompressed": ##########,
    "TotalSlotMS": ######,
    "CreatedAt": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
    "UpdatedAt": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ"
  "message": "XXXXXXXXXX", 
  "status": 200 


Repeat the step 3 until the status is DONE

  1. When job status is DONE the file is ready to download
curl --location --request GET '{jobId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {tomen}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--output {fileName}
  "data": [{}, {}, ... , {}], 
  "message": "XXXXXXXXXX", 
  "status": 200 


Keep in mind that the file is compressed as *.csv.gz


When a request fails the file will contain an error description and it will not be compressed


All files persist only for 24 hours