This API query compares returning and new users in the selected time period.

Filter Base{
"queryName": "<query_name>",
"limit": "<total_records_to_return>",
"timeZone": "<time_zone>" ,
"startDate": "<init_date_yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss>",
"endDate": "<end_date_yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss>"
Custom FiltersN/A


Customer NameThe customer company that owns the flows.
FlowIt helps to understand which of our flows the information corresponds to.
DateTime interval of analysis
Total Interactive UsersThe users that interacted with the workflow (sent at least one message)
New User (Yes/No)Users who interacted for the first time versus users who returned in filtered time. If during the filtered time the same user interacts for the first time and then returns, it will be counted twice.