This API query provides insight into the delivery of notification campaigns (including the Marketing Suite and notifications sent via API). It provides useful information on reach.

Filter Base{
"queryName": "<query_name>",
"limit": "<total_records_to_return>",
"timeZone": "<time_zone>" ,
"startDate": "<init_date_yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss>",
"endDate": "<end_date_yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss>"
Custom Filters{
“flow”: “<workflow_name_or_botid>”


Created DateTime interval of analysis based on the creation date of notifications
Customer NameThe customer company that owns the flows.
FlowIt helps to understand which of our flows the information corresponds to.
Notification TemplateName of the message template, the format that you can use over and over again to message users once they have opted-in and given your app permission to send them messages.
Notification Category
Notification Status
Invalid NumbersUsers who have invalid numbers, so it was not possible to send or deliver Notification messages. Includes notifications with invalid number state and notifications with error state and invalid number description.
OmittedUsers who have omitted numbers and don't allow sending or delivering Notification messages
SentNotification messages that were correctly sent to the Audience users
DeliveredNotification messages that were correctly sent and delivered to the Audience users
ReadNotifications messages that were correctly read (two blue checks) to the audience users
ErrorNotifications messages that returned an error and were not correctly delivered nor read
Sent To WhatsappTemporary internal status when the notification is sent to Whatsapp prior to being sent to the client.
CreatedTemporary initial status, when the notification is just created on the Yalo platform, without having tried to send it to WA. It happens at the beginning of the process of sending notifications to all users.