This API Query summarizes per each Store ID, User ID, Order ID, and date: the total quantity of SKUs or items placed, the total amount of revenue, the total quantity of distinct products within the order.

Filter Base{
"queryName": "<query_name>",
"limit": "<total_records_to_return>",
"timeZone": "<time_zone>" ,
"startDate": "<init_date_yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss>",
"endDate": "<end_date_yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss>"
Custom Filters{
“flow”: “<workflow_name_or_botid>”,
“storeId”: “<storefront_storeid>”,
“userId”: “<user_id>”,
“storefront”: “<storefront_name>”


DateTime interval of analysis
Customer NameThe customer company that owns the flows.
FlowIt helps to understand which of our flows the information corresponds to.
StorefrontCommerce platform version used for the web view of the products
Store IDUnique ID of the registered store
User IDPhone number of the user registered in WhatsApp
Order IDUnique ID of the order generated
Total Quantity Of ItemsTotal quantity of products or items sold in the selected time analysis interval
Total Order RevenueTotal amount of revenue generated in the order in the selected time analysis interval
Quantity Of Distinct Products In OrderQuantity of distinct SKUs or items sold within the order in the selected time analysis interval