This API Query measures the impact of usage by day, compares between reached users, interactive users, users that received a Notification, and users that interacted with the Flow in the selected time period

Filter Base{
"queryName": "<query_name>",
"limit": "<total_records_to_return>",
"timeZone": "<time_zone>" ,
"startDate": "<init_date_yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss>",
"endDate": "<end_date_yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss>"
Custom FiltersN/A


Customer NameThe customer company that owns the flows.
FlowIt helps to understand which of our flows the information corresponds to.
DateTime interval of analysis
Reached UsersTotal Reached Users that received a Notification or interacted with the Flow (sent at least one Message)
Total Interactive UsersCount of unique users that interacted with the flow on the detailed date, day of the week, and hour
Interactive Users That Received NotificationCount of individual users that interacted with the flow on the exact date, day of week and hour, after receiving a notification
Interactive Users That Did Not Receive NotificationCount of unique users that interacted with the flow in an organic way (without receive a notification below) on the detailed date, day of week and hour